Joining International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers
Members of International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers (ISDUP) participate in writing histories, providing outreach, attending monthly meetings, and establishing historical markers. They work to complete the record of the Utah pioneers by making sure their ancestors are all represented in the ISDUP history collection.
Membership Qualifications
ISDUP was organized for historical and educational purposes and is non-political and non-sectarian. Any woman is eligible for membership in DUP who is:
- Over the age of eighteen
- Of good character, and
- A direct-line descendant or legally adopted direct-line descendant with a pioneer ancestor who came to or was born in the State of Deseret/Utah Territory before the completion of the railroad on May 10, 1869.
Membership Application Form and Instructions
- To access the ISDUP Member Application form, click here.
- To view or print instructions, click here.
If you have questions about becoming a member, the application, and submission please reach out to your local camp and company registrar. You may also contact the ISDUP Registrar at 801-532-6479 ext. 213 or email at
Associate Daughters of Utah Pioneers
Women who do not have direct-line ancestors who came to the State of Deseret/Utah Territory before May 10, 1869, and have an interest in pioneer history are welcome to participate in a DUP camp where they reside. They are called “Associates of Daughters of Utah Pioneers” and may participate in all activities of the organization. They cannot hold an elected office but can hold other positions in the camp. They can write and give pioneer histories which may be submitted to the International History Department.
To access the Associate Record form, click here. To access the Associate Record and Dues Instructions, click here.