

Dear Daughters,

We belong to a wonderful organization. The Legacy comes out quarterly and is a great way to share what we are all doing in our camps and companies. Your article just may inspire another daughter with a terrific idea! For Legacy archive, click here.

In order to improve the quality of photos and accuracy of content, whenever possible, please use the following guidelines when submitting any of our communication tools.

Please submit Legacy articles 7 weeks prior to publication (see chart below).

Please email or call Stacey Page if you have any questions at 801-532-6479 ext. 212.

Submit ALL articles to: Stacey Page, Legacy Editor: legacy@isdup.org


How to submit to Legacy

  1. Send content via mail to the above address.
    • Title your article
    • Include company and camp name
    • Indicate the town and state
  2. In order to avoid copyright violations, please do not send screen captures from the internet.
  3. Include a contact person’s name and phone number.

What to Submit

You may wonder what type of information we are interested in.  Here are just a few topics we would love to receive articles on:

  1. Camp or company activities, recognitions, visits, events, and celebrations, etc.
  2. Museum and marker events, and celebrations, etc.
  3. Outreach activities and events by camps, companies, museums, and cemeteries.
  4. Membership recruitment successes including associate membership recruitment
  5. Lesson book uses such as donations, gifts, perspective member loaner, door prize, reference for ancestor research.

When to Submit

Issue Month/Year Submit before:
Fall September July 15
Winter December October 15
Spring March January 15
Summer June April 15
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