Were crowned Saturday, April 16, 2016.
The queen is Baylee Rose Hogan, the daughter of Monte and Christine Hansen of St. George, Utah. She is a classically-trained vocalist and fluent in both Italian and American Sign Language. In an unprecedented outcome, Baylee, is also the recipient of the coveted Annie Taylor Hyde Award. She was selected by a majority vote of the other contestants. This is the first time that both honors have been bestowed upon one young woman. The First attendant is Rachel Kennedy, daughter of Ken and Nancy Kennedy of Brigham City, Utah. She currently attends the University of Utah where she studies athletic training with a minor in nutrition. The Second attendant is Stephanie Bland, the daughter of Jeffrey and Laura Bland of Smithfield, Utah. Stephanie received High Honors from Weber State, and currently works as a registered nurse.
The trio was chosen during a pageant held April 16 at the LDS Conference Center. They were selected by a panel of judges based on talks centered on this year’s theme, “Pioneers Inspiring Today’s Generation!” Their goals, accomplishments, poise, leadership, answers to judges’ questions, and family genealogy with pioneers who came to the Salt Lake Valley between 1847 and May 10, 1869 were other qualifications. As they travel and speak this summer, our Royalty will be an example to young women who hear their message. They will represent the Days of ’47 and International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Numerous Days of ’47 events occur during July. Go to www.daysof47.com for dates and locations. The Days of ’47 Royalty will attend all of these activities. They are available for appearances and speaking engagements from June-August 2016. Please contact their advisor Cathy Ehlert at 801-274-1224 or 801-580-8565 or casehlert@gmail.com to schedule these lovely young ladies. (Photo: Left to right: 1st Attendant, Rachel Kennedy; Queen, Baylee Hogan; 2nd Attendant, Stephanie Bland.)