International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers and Days of ’47, Inc. Royalty were crowned for 2019 at the Little Theater, Conference Center in Salt Lake City. The Royalty were: Anastasia Haner, Queen; Carli Sorenson, First Attendant; and Emilie Clark, Second Attendant.
Anastasia Haner is from Riverdale, Utah and will graduate in May in accredited Midwifery Studies. Carli Sorenson is from Springville, Utah and has a degree from Utah Valley University in Hospitality Management. Carli was sponsored by the ISDUP Henry Ballard Camp of the Cache North Company. Emilie Clark is from West Haven, Utah and is studying Human Resource Management at Utah Valley University.
Bradie Harris, the daughter of Laurel and Mike Harris of South Jordan Utah, is the recipient of the 2019 Annie Taylor Hyde Award. She was chosen by the other contestants of the 2019 DUP Days of `47 Scholarship Royalty Pageant and received a $500 scholarship. They selected her because she was friendly, considerate, exemplified modesty, integrity, and good humor. Bradie served a mission in the Dominican Republic, returning home just two days before the pageant. She is planning to complete college and finish writing her first book.
She says the example of her ancestors’ hard work and dedication inspires her to be the best person she can be. Bradie just happens to be a descendant of Annie Taylor Hyde and was sponsored in the pageant by the Temple View Camp of the Salt Lake Far Southwest Company.
Due to the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, the 2019 Royalty served from 2019-2021.