DUP Forms Search

Form NameDescriptionFile
2020 Event ChecklistEvent Planning Checklist
AGREEMENT AND MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGThe International Daughters of Utah Pioneers museums mission is to collect, preserve, and display the Artifacts belonging to the Utah Pioneers who settled the Territory of Deseret from 1847 to May 10, 1869. The open storage policy and donor based evaluation of artifacts, establish collections which represent the entire pioneer community; and which serve as easily accessible education/research facilities for both descendants and the greater community
Associate Record and Dues Instructions FinalWomen who do not qualify for membership as Daughters of Utah Pioneers are welcome to participate in a DUP Camp where they reside. They are called Associates of Daughters of Utah Pioneers" and may participate in all activities of the organization. They cannot hold an elected office but may hold other positions in the Camp. They may write and give pioneer histories that may to be submitted to the International History Department."
Associate Record Form Birthdate 8.6.23This Associate Record adds an Associate to the Camp Roster when submitted to the ISDUP Membership Departmen
Camp and Camp Board Purpose and Responsibilities 2023 FINAL 9.14.23
Camp and Company Reports and Routing 2023 FINAL
Camp Annual Financial Review June 2023
Camp Artifact Leader 2023 FINAL
Camp Board Planning Guide 2023 FINAL
Camp Captain 2023 FINAL October 2. 23
Camp Chaplain 2022
Camp Charters 2020
Camp Elections 2023 FINAL
Camp Historian 2023 FINAL
Camp Historian Submission Log 2019-20
Camp Lesson Leader 2023 FINAL
Camp Meeting Agenda
Camp Meeting Conducting Sheet
Camp Meeting Minutes Form June 2023
Camp Meeting Planning Sign up Sheet
Camp Membership Dues Instructions 2023 11.9.23
Camp Membership Dues Summary Sheet July 2023
Camp Music Leader 2023 FINAL
Camp Officer List 2020
Camp Other Possible Appointed Positions 2023 FINAL
Camp Outreach Leader 2023 FINAL
Camp Parliamentarian 2023 FINAL
Camp Registrar 2023 FINAL
Camp Registrar's Tracking Sheet 2023
Camp Secretary 2023 FINAL
Camp Statistical Report June 2023 Final
Camp Table of Contents 2023 FINAL
Camp Treasurer 2023 FINAL
Camp Vice-Captain(s) 2023 FINAL
Camp Member Dues Instructions 2023.6.13.23
Catalogue Worksheet
Check Out Our Museum
Chronicles Index 2
Cleaning Markers
Combining a Camp Instructions.8.23.23
Company Annual Financial Review June 2023
Company Artifact 2023 FINAL
Company Board Planning Guide 2023 FINAL 9.8.23
Company Board Purpose and Responsibilies 2023 FINAL 9.8.23
Company Chaplain 2023 FINAL
Company Elections 2023 FINAL
Company Historian 2023 FINAL
Company Historian Submission Log 2019-20
Company Lesson Leader 2023 FINAL
Company Meeting Minutes Form 2023
Company Membership Dues Instructions 2023-24 6.27.23
Company Membership Dues Summary Sheet July 2023-24
Company Music Leader 2023 FINAL
Company Officer List 2020
Company Other Possible Appointed Positions FINAL
Company Outreach 2023 FINAL
Company Parliamentarian 2023 FINAL
Company President 2023 FINAL 9.10.23
Company President's Update 2023
Company Registrar 2023 FINAL
Company Registrar's Tracking Sheet 2023
Company Secretary 2023 FINAL
Company Sponsor's Camp Mtg Evaluation Report 2023 Billie
Company Statistical Report Jan 2023 Final
Company Table of Contents 2023 FINAL
Company Treasurer FINAL
Company Treasurer's Update
Company Vice-President(s) 2023 FINAL
Deed Of Gift
Digital Imaging Suggestions For Patrons
Disbanding a Camp Instructions.4.4.23
Dividing a Camp Instructions.4.4.23
Donation Consideration
Dues Chart Easy Calculator
DUP Join Camp Meeting FlyerTemplate
Establishing a New Camp Instructions.4.4.23
Fillable PDF Attendance Roll Camp and Company 2018 version 3
Final Constitution and Bylaws Nov 2023
Guidelines for Docents
Headstone Medalion Final
heirloom handout
Histories – Pathways Consolodation Index
Honorary Heritage 2023 FINAL
Information and Tips for Writing Histories 2023 FINAL
Information For Host Company 2023
Instructions Membership Application August 2023 FINALMembership application instructions.
IRS and Tax Guidelines 2023 FINAL
ISDUP Evaluation Report Final 2023-24
ISDUP Membership Application 2023 9.8.23Membership Application - Fillable PDF International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers
January 2023 - Women Homsteaders
January 2024 - Women Pioneer Hymn Writers
Kinship Pin Sheet 2023 FINAL
Locality History Title Page
Marker Requirement Suggestions
Master Royalty Competitiion Application 2024
Meeting Outline 2024
Membership Incentive Pins
Membership Number by Year 2023
Memorial Donation Form
Museum Director and Museum Board August 2023
Outreach Ideas
OutreachRecruitment by Jeanie NEW
pass along card.color pioners 1
Photo Order Form
Photo Use Price List 2023
Pin Award Summary Sheet All Photos June 2023
Pioneer History Request Form 2019-20
Pioneer History Title Page Form 9.19.2022
Record Change Form March 2023 version B
Record Change Form October 2023
Recruit New DUP Members and Pass along Card
Replacing or Moving ISDUP Markers
Roll Call Worksheet
Sample Museum Inventory
Satelite Museum Polices 2023 FINAL
Satellite Museum Annual Financial Review August 2023
Satellite Museum Update
Submitting Histories Electronically 6.2023
Treasurer's Finanical Record Keeping Form 2019
Venmo Guidelines
Website Digital Policy - DUP Images - 2013-04
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